Dear Bread Eaters: It's time to SIGN UP for your winter bread subscription! This is a Community Supported Bread program rather like a farm CSA, but instead of vegetables you get a loaf of bread every week for ten weeks. You can pick up your bread downtown or in Fairhaven, every Wednesdays, January 18 - March 22. Exact pickup locations TBD. There are three share types:
So, sign up! Tell your friends and coworkers to sign up. Share the CSB with your social media networks. And, please, send me your promotional tips and insights, if you have any, because you know I have yet to master the art of hustling, and I need a critical mass of subscribers to make this work. In summary: What: 10 week bread subscription When: Jan 18 - March 22 Where: pick up every Wednesday downtown or in Fairhaven (specific pickup sites TBD) Why: So you can eat wonderful, organic, whole grain, sourdough bread during the dark winter months, and to support your favorite local baker. Thank you! Your enthusiasm and support keep my crazy dreams of wild fermentation alive. Sophie p.s. It's not too late to order your pies and rosemary rolls for Thanksgiving! Comments are closed.