My first alarm went off while a crow was chatting outside my window, and I thought, with the absolute illogic of half sleep, that a crow is something like a raven, and therefore a good reason not to get up. The next alarm rose alongside a crescendo of birdsong. I turned it off so it wouldn't interrupt the birds. By the third alarm I'd climbed out of the warm tangle of my dreams, and after that it was pure laziness that kept me hitting snooze. All that to say, by the time I got out of bed (fifteen minutes ago) the hours I'd set aside for thought and newsletter writing were long gone. I'm off to market. See you soon! Sophie Owner | Baker TODAY AT MARKET Red & White Wheat Mountain Rye, Vollkornbrot Malted Chocolate Chip Cookie Bittersweet Chocolate Cookie Buckwheat Marmalade Scone Buckwheat Black Sesame Scone Blackberry Oatmeal Scone Shortbread PRE-ORDER for 4/28 Rosemary Sea Salt ($8) Mountain Rye ($7) Vollkornbrot ($8) Comments are closed.