This winter, when I have more than a sleepy hour or two before market to write, I think I’ll take this space to explore food politics. “But Sophie,” you protest, “it’s bad enough that you ramble on about frost and fairies. Why ruin a perfectly nice bread business with politics?” Why? Because eating is political. Because good food starts in the dirt, not in your kitchen, and has a lot of ground to cover between the two. Because food brings people together, and in our food system we practice our greatest inhumanity. Because food is an easy starting point from which to explore hard subjects, from climate change, erosion, and emasculated frogs to labor rights, misogyny, and the privatization of our democracy. Because winter is a time for slowing down and thinking deep, and after the market ends next Saturday, I’m looking forward to doing both. But before next Saturday, I have a lot of fabulous baking to do. Along with all the sugar and spice, I’ll also be baking whole loaves of rye to tide you over till mid-January, when the bread subscription starts. Orders for the last market are DUE MONDAY, and can be placed online or today at market. The Winter Bread Subscription SALE ends today! Sign up at market or on the website for 10% off your 10 week subscription. Saturday Market Red & White, Mountain Rye, Vollkornbrot Bittersweet Chocolate + Malted Chocolate Chip Cookies Brown Butter + Hazelnut Shortbread Gingerbread Apple Cake Granola Wednesday Preorder Cardamom Orange Mountain Rye Holiday Specials / Winter Hoarding for pickup at the last market 12/23 Chocolate Hazelnut Babka North Sea Gingerbread Black Forest Gingerbread Brown Butter + Hazelnut Molasses Shortbread Triple Snap Ginger Cookies Whole Mountain Rye Whole Vollkornbrot Winter Bread Subscription - 10% OFF Today Every Wednesday, Jan 10 - March 14 Baker's Choice Mountain Rye Vollkornbrot See you soon!
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