Just a few points of business this morning: 1. This is the first week of the late season market. All the market stalls have been moved around and consolidated! Raven Breads will be located just inside the Market Depot, across from the info booth, from now till 12/22. 2. Thanksgiving orders are up online. Pickup downtown (exact location TBD) on Wednesday 11/21. I'll have order forms at market starting next Saturday. See you soon, on this wild and wet Saturday! Sophie Owner | Baker TODAY AT MARKET Red & White Oat & Honey Mountain Rye + Vollkornbrot Chocolate Malt Chocolate Chip Cookie Bittersweet Chocolate Cookie Oatmeal Scone Gingerbread Brown Butter + Nibby Buckwheat Shortbread THANKSGIVING ORDERS Apple Quince Pie (serves 8 / $28) Gingerbread Bundt (serves 12 / $38) Rosemary Potato Bread (720 g / $8) Comments are closed.