The Grain Gathering--a conference for bakers, brewers, maltsters, farmers, and enthusiasts--last weekend was as inspiring and delicious as ever. This business, with its long hours and low pay, can be isolating. To gather once a year with other professionals who love baking as much as I do, who have faced the same challenges, who are making beautiful breads and pastries, who have built successful businesses, always fills me with new ideas, enthusiasm, and, perhaps most critically, a sense that this might just be possible. Almost as important as the conference, I got into the mountains for the first time this summer! Oh, but we live in the most glorious place. I may have to get a car next year, just so I can more easily find slices of wilderness in the press of summer baking madness. Unfortunately, I ate all the huckleberries, so you don't get any mountain pastries today. But! Fear not. I do have a truly decadent lineup of galettes for you: rosemary peach, honey, anise, & fig, and a sweet-savory fig preserve, caramelized onion, & roasted fennel. Also Red & White, Wild & Seedy, Mountain Rye, and a 100% rye with sprouted rye berries, as of yet unnamed (ideas?). I'm now so late leaving the house I'm almost tempted to stay for one more cup of tea. What could it matter? But no, I need to make a break for the kitchen to load up my trailer.
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