Last night we picked nettles by the barn, volunteer arugula along the driveway, and the few purple sprouting broccoli that survived the winter’s hard freeze and added them too the pan with a fat, winter leek. Dinner was shockingly green after so many months of brown. There’s a jar of daffodils and hyacinths on the table next to me. The buds on the little pear tree out back are full to bursting. Every night now I fall asleep to frog song and wake to birds.
The weekly Saturday market starts up next weekend and the Spring Bread Subscription the Wednesday after. I’m still plugging away at my retail bakery plans. While I wait for contractor estimates I’ve been working on the floor plans and financing. The former is coming along nicely; the latter is nail biting (so much debt!) but I’m starting to wrap my head around it. And so, with the days lengthening and filling with work and projects and new growth, I’m settling into spring. I hope your days, too, are blooming. Sophie Owner | Baker Comments are closed.