TODAY AT MARKET Red & White Mountain Rye Vollkornbrot Ring Rye + Spiced Ring Rye Seedy Buckwheat Malted Chocolate Chip Cookie Bittersweet Chocolate Cookie Gingersnap Oatmeal Scone Hazelnut Sour Cherry Cake Shortbread One more week, maybe two, till the rhubarb is ready, and then all the cakes and scones will likely be rhubarb driven till the first berries are ripe. My plants are coming in well, despite the brutality of last winter's division with the sharp edge of a shovel, but if you have a rhubarb surpluss I'm usually up for bread for fruit barter. And should you find yourself overwhelmed once fruit season is in full swing, you know I'm always excited to embark on a bicycle gleaning expedition! WEDNESDAY BREAD Order by Sunday for Wednesday pickup Oat & Honey (milky oat porridge against the slight bitterness of hard red wheat for the ultimate breakfast bread) Red & White Mountain Rye See you soon.
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