It's another glorious blue day, the market breads and pastries are exceptionally handsome, I'm headed to the mountains tomorrow with friends to eat huckleberries and swim in icy alpine lakes, my tea is steeped and steaming, and oh, I'm glad to be here! Unfortunately, there's no time to sit and revel in weekend anticipation because I need to go set up the market stand, so, down to business: The Fall Bread Subscription starts up this coming Wednesday! You can sign up at market today or online until tomorrow. Don't forget! The first bread in the Baker's Choice lineup is a celebration of the late summer harvest, with herbs and caramelized onions. Later in September you'll get Wild & Seedy, Oat & Honey, and Cinnamon Raisin. And who knows what wonders await you in October! Saturday Market Red & White, Mountain Rye, Vollkornbrot, Country Rye Bittersweet Chocolate and Malted Chocolate Chip Cookies Croissant, Danish, Cinnamon Sugar Twist Black Sesame Palmier Shortbread Granola Wednesday Pickup Garden Bread: Herb + Onion Red & White Mountain Rye Shortbread See you soon! Sophie Owner | Baker POSTSCRIPT: OVERHEARD(I’m introducing a new postscript to my weekly newsletter with the best of what I’ve read or listened to in the past week(ish). As with most of what I write here, this is only tangentially connected to baking, in that I listen to dozens of hours of podcasts and audiobooks every week to turn off the anxiety-inducing white roar of the commissary kitchen, and for the pure pleasure of having someone tell me stories.)
Were I to write a book, I would want to write a book such as this: On Immunity is the perfect interweaving of personal and political, of narrative and fact. Whatever you think of vaccines (you can guess, I'm sure, where I stand on the matter), it is a beautiful book. Comments are closed.