I practiced all my favorite forms of escapism--eating, reading, and work--this week to an almost manic degree. Tuesday night through Wednesday morning I stress ate most of a loaf of bread and half a stick of butter. It stopped being fun around the fourth slice, but I plowed on as I dragged myself from one news site to the next.
Then I went to bed with a book, only emerging to make trips to the library. I reread, for the tenth or hundredth time, three childhood favorites, justifying my escape into their dog-eared pages with a virtuous stack of library books (untouched) on sustainable business and economics. When I finally emerged from my cocoon of girl warriors and tangled sheets, glassy-eyed and anxious, I tripped headlong into work. As a result, I have for you a THANSKGIVING ORDER FORM, due by next Saturday (you can also pick one up at the market), and a new online store where you can purchase a WINTER BREAD SUBSCRIPTION. Though telling you all about my crazy, and how unprepared I am to deal with my election-induced fear/grief/rage, probably isn't the best sales pitch for either. But seriously, I have a truly delicious Thanksgiving lineup (Caramel & Kabocha Pie? How could you say no?), and I think the CSB (community supported bakery!) subscription model could be the perfect way to get you bread outside of the Farmers Market. If there's enough excitement around the winter subscription, I might add a fall and spring subscription as well to bring you midweek bread. For now, however, you'll have to make due with the bike load of baked goods I have waiting for you at the Farmers Market: Red & White, Wild & Seedy, Mountain Rye, and Smoky Vollkornbrot, along with cookies, Sourdough Buckwheat Scones, French Apple Cake, and the most serious gingerbread you've ever tasted. See you soon! Sophie Comments are closed.