Rye friends, I managed to collapse the entire batch of Vollkornbrot. I’m sorry! If you don’t want to wait till next Saturday, I’m adding Vollkorn to this Wednesday’s bake as well. Orders due by Sunday night. Pickups in Birchwood, Columbia, Lettered Streets, South Hill, Fairhaven. This also means I have 30% less bread today at market, so come early! Quiet in the high meadows. We left the snowshoes strapped to our packs and walked out, skirting meltholes, watchful for rotten snow over the streams. The snow was wet and firm. We kicked upwards to the knob and sat to eat our lunch—sandwiches, an entire pound cake, a thermos of hot coffee—looking out at the dark firs, the shifting clouds, the brief glimpses of distant ridgeline, rocky and white and gone again. Afterwards we boot-skied down the meadows and crossed back into the forest, down from the snow and clouds and back to earth. The roar of the Nooksack rose as we descended the switchbacks, and so did the light. By the time we reached the road the forest was aglow around us: the shining leaves of the vine maples, the bright, shaggy moss, the foxglove and columbine and little white flowers in exuberant bloom. Halfway down the service road I made E stop the truck so I could stand and stare at the dazzling green. Sophie Owner | Baker TODAY AT MARKET and NEXT WEEK FOR MARKET PREORDER 10am – 2pm, 1100 Railroad Ave BREAD: Red & White ($7.50 / 720g) Mountain Rye ($7.50 / 750g) Vollkornbrot ($8 / 750g) Seedy Buckwheat ($8 / 420g) SWEETS: Gingersnap Cookies ($5 / 2) Chocolate Chip Hazelnut Cookies ($5 / 2) Raspberry Rhubarb Rye Snack Cake! ($5) Brown Butter Shortbread ($9 / half dz) Hazelnut Shortbread ($9 / half dz) SUMMBER BREAD SUBSCRIPTION 10 WEEKS REMAINING Every Wednesday*, June - August Pickups in Birchwood, Columbia, Lettered Streets, South Hill, Fairhaven. RED & WHITE Subscription - wholemeal wheat table bread. MOUNTAIN RYE Subscription - seedy rye & wheat tinned bread. TOAST Subscription - a new type of tinned wheat bread every week. Next WEDNESDAY PICKUP Self-serve pickups in Birchwood, Columbia, Lettered Streets, South Hill, and Fairhaven. Address and directions with your pickup reminder email Wednesday morning. Order by Sunday night. Red & White Mountain Rye Toast: BUCKWHEAT & MOLASSES Special guest: VOLLKORNBROT Comments are closed.