I went walking out at Stimpson yesterday, and found in the old forest a familiar and nearly forgotten soundscape. Standing still, breathing quietly, I could hear the rain drops pattering on the sword ferns and the wind breathing between the trees. A cedar swayed with a sudden gust, groaning. Overhead, wing beats, and bird calls tangling somewhere down the hill. There were no cars, no buzzing power lines, no fly overs, no human voices. The silence was loud and alive. This, I thought, is how the world should sound. Not like the hum of appliances or the rumble of cars. Not like metal and concrete and the tinny beat of some distant stereo. This is the sound of home. The end of the Winter Bread Subscription is a mere two weeks away, and then we're diving into another ten week Bread Subscription to accompany the first ten weeks of the Bellingham Farmers Market. Sign up so you can pick up fresh bread twice a week. And for the next two weeks, every friend you sign up will earn you a FREE LOAF of bread at the farmers market. Just have them add a note with your name at checkout.
On the menu this week for Wednesday pickup: Red & White, Mountain Rye, a lovely Blue Corn polenta bread, and Bittersweet Chocolate Cookies. And don't forget that next Saturday is the third and final Winter Market! Comments are closed.