BREAD MATTERS: Wednesday 3/7 MÉTEIL ($8) A beautifully crackled rye/wheat country bread, spiced with trigonella (a blue fenugreek that smells like fresh cut grass and maple syrup, traditionally used in alpine rye breads, and grown by the owners of Cafe Vavilov for just this purpose!) MOUNTAIN RYE ($7) VOLLKORNBROT ($8) Wednesday 3/14 CINNAMON TWIST ($8) Because who didn't love cinnamon sugar toast as a child? MOUNTAIN RYE ($7) VOLLKORNBROT ($8) There will be NO BREAD available between 3/14 and 4/4, when the SPRING BREAD SUBSCRIPTION starts. The SPRING BREAD SUBSCRIPTION runs April - May. You can sign up ONLINEor download this FORM and mail it back with a check. BAKER's CHOICE subscription ($72) MOUNTAIN RYE subscription ($63) VOLLKORNBROT subscription ($63) Raven Breads will be back at the SATURDAY FARMERS MARKET every weekend starting 4/7! That's all for now, folks. The sun is shining and we're off to load the truck with manure for the garden. Then there are seeds to inventory and seed orders to place, a sunroom to set up for starts, old pots that need sterilizing, and potting soil to mix. Perhaps we'll even plant the first peas today! The garden is all wet earth and possibility.
Happy Saturday! Sophie Owner | Baker Comments are closed.