Lots of balls in the air right now planning a production and retail bakery, and so many phone calls: landlord, architect, contractors, city planning, equipment distributors, bank, health department, and then planning again, architect, distributors, accountant, and so on. Every one of those people controls some part of the process, but ultimately it comes down to me and my bakery design. And so when I’m not on the phone, or baking your bread, or hanging out with our borrowed backyard pigs (see below), I move little boxes around on my computer screen, doodle floor plans in my bakery notebook, walk through the imagined space in my head, trying to find the perfect layout. I’m not sure perfection exists, but I am sure that somewhere between efficiency and frugality is a compromise I can live with, if only I can find it.
If you have experience with workspace layout, business financing, or project management that you'd like to share, I'm all ears. Sophie Owner | Baker Comments are closed.