Before Raven Breads, there was relatively little of me, Sophie Williams, on the internet. A smattering of archived high school sports stats (none particularly impressive), my undergraduate thesis (prairie soil recovery from monocropping, results insignificant), some pictures with friends on Facebook, and... that was about it. Well, that and whatever cyber-tracks I left behind me as I bumbled, heedless, through the web. But Raven Breads was different than anything I had done before. It was mine. And without consciously deciding to do so, I threw my inner self into the business alongside my outer. What does it mean, now, to have so much of myself laid out on the open net? This is not a rhetorical question: I am curious, if still less concerned than perhaps I should be. It is not so much the lack of personal privacy that bothers me, though I am startled when relative strangers ask me, offhand, about my inner thoughts and fears, but after listening yesterday to an interview with the founder of the Library Freedom Project, I wonder if I have, all unthinking, and likely alongside millions of others, given away too much to the dark mind. (What does one call the private deep state without sounding like a conspiracy nut? Can one even be a conspiracy nut, given the stranger-than-fiction realities of our Orwellian world?). It is time, I suppose, to go online and start reading up on cybersecurity and democracy (oh, the irony!). But first, I have a farmers market to attend! Saturday Market Red & White, Mountain Rye, Vollkornbrot, Country Rye Bittersweet Chocolate and Malted Chocolate Chip Cookies Strawberry Rhubarb Galette Garden Pesto Twist Croissant (exploded) Granola Wednesday Market Polenta Mountain Rye various pastries See you soon!
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