What a day! I had grand ambitions to finish up early, knock out this newsletter, and spend the evening outside. But I got to the kitchen this morning to discover that yesterdays power outage had reset my bread retarding coke fridge (aka Stevie Nicks) to a chilly 33ºF. As you might guess, bread doesn't rise well when frozen. It took hours to warm it back to life (four hours, in fact), and there went my evening. Ah well.
At least I had a wonderfully distracted week of playing in the dirt. Every time I tried to settle into researching equipment, or catching up on bookkeeping, or updating my webpage, I remembered another urgent project in the garden and went outside instead. This is the beauty and danger of self employment: if I want to build a new garden bed for my overambitious starts, or sketch designs for a solar food dryer, or run away with any of the other endless projects I dream up, I can. So long as I also remember to feed my sourdough, there are no immediate repercussions. Of course, the mess of sorting through two months of receipts after all that avoidance is its own form of punishment. In other, more relevant news, I'm joining Growing Washington's CSA! Starting in mid-June you'll be able to order Raven Breads through their fabulous and ever abundant Local Choice box. I'll be starting simple, with just the Hard Red and Smoky Vollkornbrot, but once I get a feel for the increased production I'll add more options. For those who need midweek bread, and aren't in the CSA, I'll also add a limited number of loaves available for pre-order and Wednesday pickup. Pickup location and payment method are yet to be determined. If you have any ideas, send them my way. Comments are closed.